Discussion on KALLYAS - Creative eCommerce Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Discussion on KALLYAS - Creative eCommerce Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

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@ Apex_Multimedia & Hogash,

where could we see the new v1.9 menu or any new stuff of v1.9 update ?



In 1.9 , i focused more on optimizations and page speed rather than features. The only new stuff is a new static content element for the header that you can use to display a text on left and a video on the right.

I will try to update the demo site to showcase this feature early next week as i now have to write the online documentation for this :)

Best regards, Stefan

Hello hogash, Awesome theme! Great work! But, I have pre-purchase questions: 1. Why search is working only for posts? portfolio, pages are not searched… (I had this problem with another theme, that’s why I’m asking) 2. is it possible to make portfolio year by year? (so I guess I need multiple portfolios, is it possible?)


Thank you for the interest in Kallyas. I believe that the other themes made the same set-up as i did because , in Wordpress , you cannot achieve a good layout for the search page when you want to display posts and also other custom post types ( the posts have a layout and the portfolio system has a different layout ). This is one of the reasons we have choosed to add a sortable layout for the portfolio.

With Kallyas, you can have multiple portfolio pages / categories. The only page that will display all the portfolio items is the portfolio archive page.

Best regards, Stefan


I purchased about 10 hours before!

I want website similar to the demo website.

I was really struggling to edit home page content.



Thank you for your purchase. Please install the dummy data from inside the advanced tab in the theme options panel.

Best regards, Stefan

Hi There

Great menu update, was much needed, just since my update the site seems to be scrolling sideways and the slider is not displaying the thumbnails on the slider correctly.

Could you please have a look and let me know what is going on?

Thanks Jaun


Sure. Can you please open a new thread on our support forum about this and provide us a link to your website ?

Thank you, Stefan

I want to purchase this theme But i need to know If I can add Custom CSS code for each site from theme option???

Because I will use it on multiSites and make one Site by English and another By Arabic, therefore I must make some edit on theme (transfer Logo to Right side, Add rtl code, make change on some elements )


Thank you for the interest in Kallyas. The theme is fully compatible with multisite installations. All the custom css and color options are saved for each site in your installation .As a note, the theme is not yet fully compatible with RTL languages.

Best regards, Stefan

I didn’t Find good theme compatible with RTL But I will try to make some change on CSS

Another Q. I don’t Like Revolution Slider Backward menu Can I transfer it to be bellow Menu

Blog sidebar options don’t work properly.

In theme blog options, I set “right sidebar” & “default sidebar. Hoever, it didn’t work properly. (no sidebar appears)


Can you please open a new thread on our support forum ? I would need access to your site so i can check your set-up.

Thank you, Stefan

i did, but i don’t know if it is what you want me to do

Hello hogash, Excelent theme! I have a question. If I’m using the Main Slider (iOS slider), how can I change its height? It’s too big and I need it a like half the size. Thanks for the help.


Thank you for choosing Kallyas.

Unfortunately, there is no option for this slider to choose a height. Can you please open a new thread on our support forum and provide me the link to it so i can give you instructions ?

Best regards, Stefan

Hi Hogash, your template for me is number 1! I have a little problem: when i active a random menu (by yummi data) the website don’t shows it. I’ve activated it on dashboard (after i’ve activated a homepage) and in menù settings but nothing. Could you help me?


Thank you for choosing Kallyas. Can you please open a new thread on our support forum ? I’ve come across this problem on one of my test sites and it was due to a wordpress menu issue when the menus are having a lot of items.

Best regards, Stefan

Found it thank you.

Great Theme


he said it a lot of times man if you just go back in comments or look at the support you will find it. its in the kallyas options setting in the tab Advanced

Hi Bawar,

Thank for the help.

Best regards, Stefan

Where is the dummy data?


Thank you for choosing Kallyas.

You can install the dummy data from the Advanced tab > Install dummy data button.

Thank you, Stefan

I am having the same problem with the colors. I tried all the steps listed above and nothing works still. Also, there are a lot of people in the support forum complaining about the same issue. What is happening that is preventing so many people from changing the colors?


Thank you for choosing Kallyas. This problem ussually appears due to hosting configuration. For performance reasons, i’ve created a system that automatically generates a css file containing the result of the color choosen in the demo site. On some server, the configuration blocks the generation of this file and because of this, the file cannot be created or it is not writeable. The most common problems are the wrong file permissions attributed to this file.

Please open a new thread on the support forum and provide me a link to your website.

Best regards, Stefan

Stefan – I seemed to have it all worked out now. The colors are changing, the logo works and I am happy about it. While challenging at first, the theme has turned out and helped me create a beautiful website.


I am glad to hear this. Please don’t forget to show us the finished site on our support forum :)

Best regards, Stefan


I upgraded my theme and have this and cant change colors or back ground. Can you rectify?

Please make sure that the bellow files exists and have the proper file permissions ( 644 or 777 ) and belong to the same user group as the rest of the wordpress files. Until you set the proper permissions to those files , you won’n be able to change any color/bacgrounds

/home/phillh/public_html/multiturfsport.co.za/wp-content/themes/kallyas/css/options.css IS NOT WRITEABLE OR DOESN’T EXISTS


+ If this is the first time you use the theme or you’ve just updated the theme , save the options and refresh the page

+ If the above step didn’t removed this message, using a FTP client, please check that the above mentioned files are present in the mentioned directories. If the files are not present, please manually create them and then save the options again and refresh the page.


Thank you for choosing Kallyas.

Please follow the steps under HOW TO RESOLVE.

Best regards, Stefan


Can you assist?


Sure, please open a new thread on our support forum and provide me the link to it here.

Thank you, Stefan

I had high hopes and expectations with this theme and have never been more disappointed. I have spend 16 hours trying to get the colors to change and the logo to work. Neither works. I have changed the permissions in CSS files and deleted and uploaded the logo 20 or more times. Nothing. I have used all kinds of themes; never has it been this difficult to change colors or add the logo. The logo is there, but it is huge. It does not decrease in size based on my specific size measurements. And the colors. What is wrong??? I have the colors set, but nothing. The colors don’t work. So after forever, I downloaded the dummy files and still, I am not able to change the colors to save my life. I left a ticked in the support forum and sent emails. I need a reply ASAP. This is horrible. :(

To what thread? Do you mean my website?


Sorry, i thought that you’ve opened a thread on our support forum . Please open one and provide me the link.

Best regards, Stefan

Oh, I did open a thread in the support forum. Here is is…http://www.hogash.com/support/discussion/comment/13559#Comment_13559. However, I just noticed that you have already responded to me. I will continue communications on the thread page and send you my details. Thank you…


I have a client that’s interested in purchasing this theme but he wants to know which other websites have used it. Can you post a list of URLs or message me privately? He wants to see how its used and customized by others.

BTW, I also emailed you this same question via your website. Sorry for the over-contacting.




Thank you for the interest in kallyas.

Please check the showcase ssection under the Why Kallyas menu item for some examples .

Best regards, Stefan

Hi Hogash Please help! – The theme isn’t customizing such as the main color and menu colour. I understand the documentation eg (select main color in the olor option and save). Do I need to do something else to activate color customization? Other than this issue i have really enjoyed working with this theme :) Kind Regards Rebecca


Thank you for choosing Kallyas.

Can you please open a link on our support forum and provide us a link to your website ?

Thank you, Stefan

Hey Stefan,

Any word on getting the video element working? As mentioned in all my unanswered support forum posts I have tested the video in other themes on my server and on every page and size in your theme. It works everywhere else but in your theme.

It is supposed to show on the home page of newabcs.com

I need some actual support (please do not just reply by asking me post on your desolate Hogash forum) – as you’ve pocketed over $100k for this theme so far it would be great to have it working properly. Others on the forum have attested to the theme being patchy at best and needing lots of extra work to have it fully functional – which they do, but which I do have any more time to waste trying to get this theme working properly.

Please help those who have trusted you with providing the promised functionality of the theme (and maybe hire proactive helpdesk and developers to support the rest of the journey to creating a fully working theme).



I am sorry that it took a month. It would have taken 20 seconds if you provided the last information from the start :).

Regarding the demo , would a complete Wordpress installation containing all the demo site would work for you ? What i mean is that you could manually install wordpress and get all the demo content ( except copyrighted images, however , by doing this installation i can add different image sizes to look exactly like the demo site ).

Regarding videos, i can add more video domains to my function if these video websites provide a proper API.

I am hoping you can now enjoy the full features of Kallyas.

Best regards, Stefan

Thanks again for a final solution Stefan. I did provide full access details to your support in the very first interactions. Does the demo data overwrite current structure and page content?

The TED API for Ted Talks is here http://developer.ted.com/API_Docs

I am sure developers have a comprehensive list of all the major video site urls. I’ve seen great themes that can access 30 or 40 of the top video sites. And someone must know how to get youtu.be urls to work. I’ve got v1.9 going in now – hopefully a smooth transition.


If you already have content in your site, i cannot recommend installing the demo content because this will add a lot of new pages and menus. In any case, the dummy data shouldn’t replace your existing content.

I will try to add more video related domains to Kallyas.

Best regards, stefan

I have a few questions before purchase

1.Does this website being responsive mean that it will autimatically switch to a “mobile” view on tablets cellphones, etc. Is there a way to disable this so that the site will show as it does on a computer?

2. Do you have any examples of sites where someone has used this for sports or sports teams?


Please see my answer to your first question.

Thank you for the interest in kallyas, Stefan

I have a few questions before purchase

1.Does this website being responsive mean that it will autimatically switch to a “mobile” view on tablets cellphones, etc. Is there a way to disable this so that the site will show as it does on a computer?

2. Do you have any examples of sites where someone has used this for sports or sports teams?


Thank you for the interest in Kallyas.

1. On mobile devices, the content will move and shrink so that it fits the small screen. There is also an option to disable this and show the site just like seen in the desktop.

2. none that i am aware until now.

Best regards, Stefan


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