Code - iOS Shopping App powered by Opencart - iOS Shopping App powered by Opencart

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A Complete iOS Shopping App Kit for both New and Existing E-Commerce Users
Using this shopping kit in an hour you can get the iOS app with Opencart 3.x Admin panel to manage your products, orders, and other E-commerce operations. iOS app Developed with Xcode Swift 4 has set up for the complete checkout process with iPhone support. And easily integrate any payment gateway in it and modifiable for any platform. Currently, we included COD.

You can download the app via
And Procedure to install the extension please check
For Admin Panel: User: demo Pass: demo
For Customisation & Installation support:

Launched v2.3 on 27.08.2021
1.WKWebview changed to support Appstore app upload recent policies
2.Home page banners fast loading changes

3. Dark theme enhanced support added

Launched v2.2 on 25.12.2020
1. Dark theme related changes fixed

Launched v2.1 on 19.10.2020
1.Profile update
2.Address book
3.Bottom menu
5.Category based products on home screen (Max 5 sliders with 10 products each)
6. Razorpay payment gateway
7. Contact us form
8. Information pages

Launched v2.0 on 7.07.2020
1. Login Ui changes
2. Signup Ui changes
3. Guest checkout Ui changes
4. Best Seller View all screen
5. Featured products View all screen
6. Menu Ui changes
7. Categories Ui enhancement
8. Product item Ui enhancement
9. Review view and add for products
10. Current left & right symbol management in app globally

iOS App Features List:
1. Dynamic auto moving banners
2. Single level and Two-level categories
3. Simple and Configurable products with select dropdown,
4. Product Stock with status and allow add to cart based on stock setup
5. Product images gallery
6. Home screen with banners featured and best selling products
7. Products Search with keywords
8. Products list with sorting options and pagination and ratings (newest, price low/high, popular products, name asc/desc)
9. Products with selling and MRP prices
10. Product image gallery
11. My Cart
12. Address Screen with auto-filling option for logged-in user
13. Payment method/Shipping method chosen
14. Order Preview
15. Order Success screen and Failure alerts
16. Login/Register
17. Mail to customer once order successfully placed
18. My Orders and order detail screen
19. Contact us
20. Rate us
21. Share
22. Guest checkout support
23. Easily can change the color theme of the app by changing the color code
24. Splash screen
25. Menus
26. Cash On Delivery integrated
27. Dynamic Currency Change
28. Change Password
29. Forgot Password
30. Wish List
31. Coupon code integrated


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