SKT Event Lite - free event WordPress theme

SKT Event Lite - free event WordPress theme
Change Log
  • Updated June 2024
  • Working With Latest WordPress Version
  • Updated Google fonts for GDPR and Other Country Privacy
  • Updated to work with PHP 8+
  • Updated to work with at least one page builder (Elementor, Gutenberg or SKT Builder)
  • Compatible with popular plugins of SEO, contact form and WooCommerce
  • Updated performance to work with popular cache plugins and Cloudflare
Trust Pilot Reviews
Demo 375+ Themes for $69


Free Theme
  • Less homepage sections
  • No inner pages
  • No Support
  • No Typography Options
  • No Icon Options
  • No Header Layouts
  • No footer Layouts
  • Less plugins compatible
  • Less updates
  • Less flexibility
  • More Time for Website Build

Features of free event WordPress theme

  • Responsive 100% and hence one can use the free event WordPress theme for registration of events from users via smartphones and tablets as well as other devices as well
  • Tested with popular and all sorts of browsers for cross browser, cross device and cross resolution friendliness
  • Multilingual plugins of all sorts and most popular ones tested and found to be working
  • Forum plugins for increasing community interaction as well as ECommerce plugins for sale of tickets also found to be working
  • Comes with standard inner page with sidebar which is widget friendly
  • 404 page, search page and archives as well as category and blog page also have been configured
  • Retina ready and HD ready and tested with iMacs as well
  • Compatible with lots of shortcodes plugins as well as page builder plugins
  • Compatible with translation ready plugins and availability of PO files also there
  • Simple and easy to manage using Customizer based backend
  • Customizer allows one to check the changes as they are happening
  • Documentation also available for entire theme
  • Limited support available
  • Simple font has been used and more font options and color options given in paid version of the theme
  • Basic colors can be changed using color picker
  • Tested and found working with slider plugins and gallery plugins as well
  • Flat based design approach used for older browser compatibility as well
  • Tested with theme check plugin and exploit scanner plugins as well
  • Codex and theme review standards followed
  • HTML5 and CSS3 based and material design based free event WordPress template

Free event WordPress Theme and its explanation

Many speakers and conference arrangers and event management companies need websites to showcase the events that they are going to host. Even the locations which are famous for holding various events should have an online website where they can post the tickets for sale and as well as let users and people around them know that such events are being planned and upcoming.

Thus more interest in generated among audiences and early bird contests and late tickets at more price can be sold online.

Charitable events also get organized and hence it is for such organizations to connect with more and more people so that they can raise donations and funds for the required and needy people.

Hence free event WordPress theme focusses on having such companies and people into its reach and trying to have a simple information website so that one can list the events and get tickets also for sale online through this website.

Slider has been shown which gives an option for users to define and describe about the latest 3 slides for latest 3 events that are going to happen. The slider has a nice call to action using read more and hence it can be redirected to either any page or external URL.

Enough call to action has been provided in this template with the header having phone number and email address and social icons.

Free Event WordPress theme also has a nice area in the homepage which describes why choose this location or why this speaker is the best speaker for this event.

Inner page displays a sidebar which is completely widget friendly. Hence any number of widgets as well as feeds of social media can be showcased on the sidebar. Also contact form and call to action items for more sales or leads can be added too.

Location map and contact form plugin compatible this is a really user friendly free event WordPress theme which brings in with itself lots of features which can be added through compatible plugins.

Forum plugin, Event calendar plugin which can be helpful in listing events in both grid and list format as well as registration of event using contact form or sale of tickets is also possible.

Team members etc are given in the Pro version but using plugins one can add the event organisers and speaker profiles as well.

Also people can focus on the actual content and setting up of the website rather than focussing on learning part and hence this free event WordPress theme has the lowest learning curve and focusses more on compatible plugins so that learning part is limited and one can focus on setting up the site.

Event websites serve as the digital hub for promoting, organizing, and communicating details about an event to attendees, sponsors, and interested parties.

Event agenda is being known in the event website.

Event website speaks in details about its speakers and presentations and topics they are going to present.

The best part of any event website is to showcase the tickets and prices for each of the tickets and how to register.

After registration using payment gateway it takes you the thank you page for confirmation and ticket printing.

Our template is compatible with WooCommerce.

Venue information is also given in any event website where one can check directions, maps, parking information, and nearby accommodations for attendees traveling to the event.

Include any special instructions or requirements for accessing the venue.

Sponsorship opportunities are also displayed on the website while displaying various packages available for the event to have stalls and standees and the sponsors who have already paid their logos are displayed on the overall website.

Integrate social media feeds, sharing buttons, and event hashtags to facilitate social interaction and extend the reach of the event beyond the website.

It is known that every website owners thinks about providing a service to its customers so that they come back to them. The exclusive services are what will make a loyal clientele. There are so many business and service providers who work in the entertainment and events sectors.

This is so that customers can have an unforgettable experience which they will cherish for years to come. The use of a website has thus become really important- there are advertisements to be made to let people know what your service can do for them.

The free event WordPress theme is designed with many features that will help the service promote themselves. The website will be created with features that are a must and which will make the business stand out in the crowd. This is an important part of the business promotion and the themes are designed in such a way that people with the limited technical know-how can also easily create it.

The free event WordPress theme is gorgeous and you of the world design which is because it is dealing with such events. The themes are highly responsive which means that they work best on all browsers and devices.

This is an important feature which is required by all website owners. The world has 80% of its online population that access the web using Smartphone and laptops.

It is known that the viewers make a quick search to find out what services are available and thus the website should be mobile-friendly so that it is located easily using the geo-tagging. The theme is tested for the features and compatibility just to ensure that the users should not be worried about it when they turn it into a website.

The free event WordPress theme is designed by professionals who have included all codes to make it effective and full of features. The theme is light-weight so that the website is light-weight. The users get a lot of flexibility while using the site which means that they can choose from an array of beautiful colors and create a website which speaks about the business. They are allowed to adjust the appearance based on their demands.

There is an appearance section where all the related changes can be made and the users can create a website as they like. The most impactful element on the websites especially when we are talking about events services is the use of Media. If you are thinking of creating a website then you must include high-quality images and videos that show the past work that you have done. This works as a very effective testimony of what the business has achieved.

The free event WordPress theme is created by professionals and comes with an extensive documentation which means that users can take help of it when they are stuck. It is very useful for the non-technical users, the other part is to use the online community. WordPress has a very active online support community that is really helpful when the users have specific questions on the website creation.

Other related free event WordPress theme: Banquet Hall

Tags: act, business, function, marriage, banquet, celebration, parties, entertainment, barbecue, bash, social, reception, engagement, birthday, speaker session, Networking sessions, Conferences, seminar, half-day event, Workshops, classes, VIP experiences, Sponsorships, Trade shows, expos, Awards and competitions, Festivals and parties, event marketing, B2C, B2B marketing, meetups, wordcamps, education and training

Also Included with free event WordPress theme

  • Theme Files

    Theme files are included in the zip you get when purchased

  • Sample Content

    1 click demo import to set up home page easily

  • Free Installation

    You will get free installation if you request us to install the free event WordPress theme on your server with demo content