
Spider Spin2Win WooCommerce Coupon Code

Spider Spin2Win WooCommerce Coupon Code

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Spin2Win is a WordPress Plugins for WooCommerce which enables you to display a spinning wheel and give a chance to win something in return for their email address.

Add a little fun in the list building process on your WooCommerce store. This interactive plugin is easy to customize and can be set to display only when people try to exit the website. In addition to that, it can also be set to show up after people spend a certain time on the website. You can build an email list very rapidly with this plugin. You can easily integrate it with MailChimp to store the email addresses. You can also add custom CSS to make it look however you like.


  • Prize Winning System
  • Display after certain time or Exit Intent
  • MailChimp Integration
  • Customizable Prize Sections
  • Customizable Segment Background
  • Customizable View Color / Text / Background Image
  • Customizable Spinner line / Text and more
  • Live Preview on Backend
  • Customizable CSS for Spinner
  • Custom CSS for the Pop Up


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