Discussion on FlatNews - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

Discussion on FlatNews - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

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292 comments found.

Hello FlatNews – Responsive Magazine Blogger Template my site do not show content in the homepage i use sneeit label sticky news, business, science .. but the content do not show..How can i fix this ? thank you

What is your site please. Thank you.

Should I give you credit if I purchase this theme?

No. After you input the license key, the credit will be removed.

Can I add video embed code?

Sure. That’s the default feature of the Blogger Platforrm.

Is this theme for blogger or wordpress?

Hi! i have small problem with template flat news (blogger). When i delete section under footer “Designed by Sneeit.Com” there is apear this warning/error:

“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘href’) at (index):2492:39757 (anonymous) @ (index):2492”


“follow us” widget on the right sidebar disapears!

Can u help me?

Hello. I replied your email, please double check there. Thank you.

ty. i’ve add u!

download doesn’t have any files/code. please help or refund. all we have a link: https://sneeit.com/flat-news-easy-news-magazine-template/?


FlatNews is a Blogger Template so all template codes should be in: flatnews-release.xml

Could you please install the file on your blog and double check? Thank you.

does this Template support Arabic Language ???

You can change any text in template. I will always beside to support. Thank you.

Thank you for your answer. does it that mean I will not have any problem with Arabic Text ? I don’t want to use tools to Translate from EN to Arabic .. I need to past my Arabic Text and show same as original without any web translation tool.

Please clarify.. thank you in advance..

There is no update for this template?

We only update if the template has bugs or any customer requests a new feature. At this time, the template is still stable and working well. Thanks.

I like to display the date format in dd-mmm-yyyy to display month name, but DAY_FORMAT is not accepting it. I want to display like 10-May-2020

The date format is the official setting of Blogger, the template has no role in this format.

I am talking about the date formats on widgets controlled by ‘DAY_FORMAT’ variable in the template.

Thanks for the feedback, I will add that feature in next updates. Regards.

Can I use it multiple domains as I have ??

Hello, no you can’t. One license will be used for one domain: https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/regular

It’s easy to understand a simple rule: $23 template can be used for million of domains.

why Social Links youtube icon not show

can I change RELATED post max result showing

Hello. Please expand support term to request support service. Thank you.

Hola perdon la interrupcion, he comprado el theme y no se puedo quitar el Copyright como hago para insertar el codigo de compra y eliminar el Copyright? gracias

Great template. However, the [next] function to break pages is not functioning now. Any ideas?

Please send your site to http://support.sneeit.com

Thank you.

Thanks for the thorough support. Issue resolved

Hi, I’m trying to install the theme. It all went smoothly, but i cannot install the demo files… It just gets stuck at 36.82% everytime i try to install the demo files via the admin. Is there another way to get the homepage like the demo? Can you please send me the shortcodes code? Thank you!

Hello, You are commenting in FlatNews Blogger version, not WordPress. Please send support ticket to http://support.sneeit.com


Sorry. Sent message in the correct page. Thanks!

Hi – I am intersted in purchasing this theme … is it easy to install? is it easy to use for novice? Does it come with a simple editor on wordpress like avada? I want to be able to quickly and easily add news content and images to site with as minimal coding knowledge as possible.

Hello. You are commenting on Blogger version. For WordPress version, please check at: https://themeforest.net/item/flat-news-responsive-magazine-wordpress-theme/6000513

It’s very easy to work with and you don’t need to touch any code.

For Hot in week, i have selected All the time to show the most popular post but nothing show there. Is it an issue?


May be your blog is new and did not have any visitor visit it or your blog is private.

Most popular post is fixed. Now the comment form does not show. How could i show this comment form?

Please check Settings / Posts and comments to see if you set to Embedded.

Also please check if you posts enable comment by editing one and check comment option on right hand side of post editor.


I am very interested in purchasing this template, but I wonder if the Flat News allows this change: to make an Adsense 300×250 appear in body side in every posts >>>automatically<<<? And if will you support to do that?

Example: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K86PB5x_-WI/V4vmdyp-8DI/AAAAAAAAJhw/b4283CISY70aXVxQm9HnURt4hCq5K26jQCLcB/s1600/ad.jpg

  • Sorry my weird english.

Thank you.

Hello. We can not do that on home page because the layout of home page is not a simple blog roll. But you can do that with archive pages (labels, search, ...)

Well, I just want appears in the posts, on blog articles. It is not necessary to appear on the home page or any other… In this case is it possible?

Yes. It is possible. Flatnews using same adCode like other official Blogger templates.


how can i write blogger comment in other than English language. like hindi language.



I can not understand your mean clearly. You can type anything in comment form, included Hindi or anything else. Just please describe more about your mean. Thanks.


Why my blog body part is looking empty. i have three post recently.

Blog is http://www.techsarathi.com/

if i click on home, body part is looking empty. all post are in hot in week section in side bar.

Hello. Please login to your blog, choose Layout.

In Flexible Home Layout section, just edit one by one widget and select the label you want to show (select only ONE).

I wrote about this in documentation in Work with Flexible Home Layout section, you can also read it.


Thank you for your reply. i make a change. now most recent post should be appear on top of blog, which is not appearing now.

Please help me.

Hello. I am seeing all are displaying properly now: http://pasteboard.co/18CaEE8T.png


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