Lifestyle - Lifestyle WordPress theme

Lifestyle - Lifestyle WordPress theme
Change Log
  • Updated June 2024
  • Working With Latest WordPress Version
  • Updated Google fonts for GDPR and Other Country Privacy
  • Updated to work with PHP 8+
  • Updated to work with at least one page builder (Elementor, Gutenberg or SKT Builder)
  • Compatible with popular plugins of SEO, contact form and WooCommerce
  • Updated performance to work with popular cache plugins and Cloudflare
Trust Pilot Reviews
For $39
Demo 375+ Themes for $69
Theme Features

For Documentation:Click Here.

Features of Lifestyle WordPress theme

  • Lifestyle WordPress theme is best suited to design websites like Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Fashion Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events.
  • It is designed to be fully responsive so that you can view your lifestyle website on any device. Also, your website can be viewed on the device of any screen resolution like mobile, laptop, desktop or any other.
  • Even neophyte users can handle it with ease and effectiveness. As it is designed focused on user-friendly design.
  • Multiple industries can use this theme to design their website as it is a completely customizable design. You can tweak any element while designing your website.
  • Made available to our customers with complete documentation. It comprised of working and setup of each section of the theme.
  • One year support will be provided from the date of purchasing the theme. If you are facing any scepticism while designing your website you can contact us, our expert designer will solve your query within minutes.
  • Free installation will be made available to our customers once after the purchase of the theme.
  • Multipurpose as the theme is dynamic so can change colors, elements, layouts, fonts and extend functionality.
  • Working with a lifestyle WordPress theme is simple and easy so that anyone can get conversant with it without any hassle.
  • Three layout options are provided to design the home page which are masonry, classic and timeline. You can choose any one as per the pattern of your website.
  • You can represent various pages of your lifestyle website with four layouts which consist of sidebar variations.
  • Standard pages like 404, search, archives and categories are also provided. So, your website can be designed with a more standardized look.
  • Single posts, as well as blog posts, can be represented with various sidebar layout options.
  • Blog section has been encompassed in order to keep visitors hooked up with your lifestyle website for a long.
  • In built shortcodes with more than 100+ types of functionality are provided. So that you can make your lifestyle website more functional.
  • Page builder plugins like Elementor, Divi, Visual Composer, Beaver, Live Composer and others work pretty fine with lifestyle themes. You can use any of them to represent your website pages with a more embellished look.
  • You can open an online shop and can sell your products with ease via online medium. You do not need to take care of online transactions as they will be taken care of by the WooCommerce plugin.
  • Additional shortcodes can be added and your fashion website can be made more functional. It can be done with the help of shortcode plugins which are congenial with this theme.
  • Analytics, maps, events, gallery, slideshow and other plugins can also be added. This will raise any limitations that exist and can also enhance the performance of your website.
  • Coding of the lifestyle WordPress theme has been based on the WordPress codex theme review standard.
  • Affable with various SEO plugins like YOAST and All in One SEO. Coded based on various SEO standards in order to maintain good search results.
  • Congenial with various SMO plugins as social sharing is necessary to inflate the traffic rate of your website.
  • The Design approach that has been opted for is flat and material based. Therefore, your lifestyle website will be compatible with old and new browsers.
  • You can have various elements on the website with different colours of your choice with the use of a colour picker option.
  • Special characters and all types of languages can be handled by Google fonts which are incarnated. There are 600+ fonts and all have Cyrillic and Latin subsets.
  • Social media icons friendly with 1000+ icons incarnated. You can use them anywhere on the entire website and all are font-based.
  • Tested with various browsers like Chrome, Opera, Firefox and others. So, your lifestyle website can be viewed without any hassle in any browser.
  • Compatible with various security plugins. Hence, you can incorporate various security plugins and can safeguard your website from malicious attacks and hackers.
  • The Loading speed of your website can be enhanced with the help of cache plugins which works well with this theme.
  • Lifestyle website can be translated to any other language by making use of LOCO translate or PO Edit. Lifestyle WordPress theme is designed to be translation ready with POT file incarnation.
  • Work at its optimum with various operating systems like Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS and others. So, your lifestyle website can be viewed on devices having varied operating systems with ease.
  • Tested with various RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew and others.
  • Lifestyle WordPress theme is designed based on theme options.
  • Congenial with the latest version of WordPress and latest plugins as well.
  • One can design a global lifestyle website that can reach beyond boundaries. As it is compatible with various multilingual plugins like qTranslateX and Polylang plugins.
  • Sidebar layouts are provided to design pages and posts. The sidebar is widget friendly as well.
  • Congenial and tested with forum and membership plugin.
  • Slider plugins like layered, video, accordion and other varying types work just fine with lifestyle themes. You can use any of them while designing your website.
  • Widget friendly theme design which has widget appearance in various sections like header, footer and sidebar.
  • Coded with the latest programming languages which are HTML and CSS3. So that you can have a website that is just up to date with the latest trends and features.
  • Your lifestyle website can be easily rendered by any of the high-resolution devices with much convenience.
  • You can also enrich the commenting feature on your website. This can be done by adding plugins like Facebook or Disqus comments. By this, nested comments can also be added.
  • Compatible with various social sharing plugins for having social media widgets on the sidebar and footer. You can also use social sharing buttons on various posts and pages.
  • CSS3 animation on the homepage made it more alluring and professional in its appearance.
  • By default slider has been provided with four slides. One can add up to ten slides as per the requirement. Hence, one can have pause time and animation control for ease of use.

Lifestyle is one of the momentous parts of everyone’s lives. But, nowadays there is a mania for lifestyle among all. It is not only for a specific age group, the scenario is the same for everyone. Everyone wants to be up to date as per the modern changing trends.

The craze for fashion is kept on escalating with the passage of time. People want to wear clothes, accessories or any related things just as same as that of celebrities.

So, if you are a fashion blogger, possess good knowledge about clothes and accessories. If you are proficient in fashion and the latest trends in clothing. Then, you need a proper medium by which your talent for fashion can reach to a wider population.

You can opt for designing your own fashion website by using a lifestyle theme. Lifestyle WordPress theme is just impeccable for designing websites for the Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Fashion Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events.

As some people are fond of the latest fashion so you can end their quest by designing your lifestyle website. If you design your website then it will be prolific for you and fashion lovers also. This is the best available theme for designing any lifestyle related website.

Although, you can design any kind of website using this theme as it is designed to be customizable. It is the best brew of glittering images and the latest trait. The fashion industry is such a realm whose scope will never abate, it always keeps on upsurging.

There are many fashion designers in the market but if you want to stand out from them. Then, you can design your elegant fashion website. The lifestyle WordPress theme is coded with HTML and CSS3. So, your website can be viewed loaded with magnificent animated effects. You can stand out from the crowd by your elegant website design.

Social media has proved to be one of the best marketing tools. You can make pertinent use of various social media platforms. You can share your website content on various social media pages. This can prove to be fruitful for reinforcing the traffic rate of your website. Keeping all this in mind it is designed to be social media friendly.

Loading speed which is one of the most vital factors for any website. You can improve the loading speed of your website with the use of cache plugins which work well with this theme. It is necessary to keep an eye on the loading speed of the website. If your website loads slower then visitors will bounce off to any other website. But with this theme, you will not face this issue.

The lifestyle WordPress theme is affable with the WooCommerce plugin. Hence, allows you to set up an online store where you can sell clothes and accessories or anything else. You can carry all the E-Commerce transactions easily and securely.

It is obligatory to shield your website from malevolent attacks and hackers. You can accomplish this task with the help of security plugins that work at their optimum with this theme.

So, it is a fully-featured and well-designed theme. Design your website with this theme, take your career to new heights and mesmerize peoplele with your elegant fashion knowledge.

Another lifestyle WordPress theme: SKT Journal

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Also Included with Lifestyle WordPress theme

  • Theme Files

    Theme files are included in the zip you get when purchased

  • Sample Content

    1 click demo import to set up all the content of all pages easily

  • Support

    You will get a login for our support forum and our email ID and Skype ID after purchasing a theme

  • PSD Design Files

    Includes PSD format file so that in case you need any design changes first in order to modify the theme you can do so. All Themes Bundle users will have to demand PSD files since including so many PSD files is not possible. Single theme users can get the PSD design files on demand.

  • Free Installation

    You will get free installation if you request us to install the Lifestyle WordPress theme on your server with demo content