Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

Vispa for Startups - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

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Vispa Theme was designed specially to meet requirements of projects that need simplicity, fast implementation, customizability and easy maintenance. Vispa Theme is highly recommended for startups and rising businesses because it offers the basic set of elements and templates everyone can use without having any programming skills. We have removed distractions that can consume your time and in the same time, you get a great toolset of elements and templates that you can use to build an awesome business, finance, corporate, consulting website for your firm or for a client of yours.

  • Fast Loading
  • Fully Responsive
  • Easily Customizable
  • SEO Optimized
  • Well Coded
  • Ready to use content
  • Drag & Drop Visual Page Builder
  • One Click Demo Install
  • Flexible Page Layouts
  • Unlimited Color Skins
  • WPML – Ready
  • MailChimp – Ready
  • Contact Form 7 – Ready
  • Drag & Drop Forms Builder
  • Backup Module
  • Custom Posts
  • Custom Sidebars
  • Custom Widgets
  • Custom Sliders
  • Grid System (Bootstrap Grid System)
  • Many Custom Options
  • Easy to customize elements in child theme

Free Drag&Drop Builder included

Meet UNYSON – the most powerful & free framework for WordPress. It comes with a bunch of built-in extensions that will help you build & customize your website fast & easy.
- Drag & Drop Page Builder.
- Sliders Module.
- Sidebars Management System.
- Portfolio builder.
- Built in Forms Module.
- Advanced SEO manager.
- Backup & Demo Content Easy Setup.

Google Fonts + Font Awesome

Google fonts library is here! Remember those times when fonts were a real problem for a website developer or designer? Now those times are in past and we couldn’t be happier to announce that Google Fonts is fully integrated with our theme. That means you have access to more than 818 free fonts of all shapes and serifs. Now it’s only a matter of choice until you will find the perfect font and color combinations for your project.

Google Developers Mobile-Friendly

Theme installation and customization videos

Advanced Font Styling For Shortcodes

Testimonials to our support

The main benefits of our theme

After an in-depth research into the field of business, corporate and startups fields we have developed the best solution you can use to fast start your project. Vispa is fully responsive and retina ready, also we have implemented and tested cross browser compatibility in order to be sure that your website will look in the same, great way on all devices and browsers your visitors use.

Our code is clean and it loads fast if you are a coder you will appreciate this and will find working with this theme a delight. But our theme was created for the non-coder users in the first place. We are doing our best to make this template usable by everyone, despite the level of WordPress expertise.

We are aware that Search Engine Optimization is important for your business, that’s why we took care of this important feature, and made Vispa SEO ready and also fully compatible with all major SEO plugins available.

Simple users, that don’t have advanced coding skills will find this theme easy to setup, customize and use for yourself. And if something goes not as expected you can always benefit from our premium and fast support. So far, the big majority of our users were satisfied with the help they got from our team, it’s nice to see how many projects have been launched with our contribution.

What do you get by choosing Vispa:

Vispa Theme for Startups

The team is the soul behind a startup. A WordPress theme that will represent your identity and uniqueness is all that’s missing. And just like your team, your website must sharp and get straight to the point. Standing in line with the best small business WordPress themes, Vispa offers your company a simple and intuitive way of creating the right first impression and growing bigger.

Vispa Theme for Corporate

Regardless of what you do, you do it professionally. With Vispa, a premium corporate WordPress theme, your clients will understand that your take things seriously and deliver only top-notch products and services. The fully customizable and responsive business theme will become the “know how” of your company and push the boundaries of connecting with clients.

Vispa Theme for Business

In the world of endless business WordPress themes, Vispa For Business stands out as the perfect solution to your company’s needs. Packed with the latest and most demanded features, Vispa allows the creation of a responsive business template in mere minutes without having to modify a single line of code.

Vispa Theme for Finance

There’s only so many things you never joke about, and finance is one of them. With Vispa, create a website that will be clear and precise about what you’re offering. Take advantage of the right WordPress template for business and deliver your message to the clients in your own unique way through customizable content and multilingual support.

Vispa Theme for Consulting

Conveying that you are a professional in your niche requires a tailored website. Choosing Vispa as your business consulting WordPress theme allow you to create just that in a matter of several minutes. Either striking the deal straight from the Home Page or sending the client to a Landing Page to “warm him up”, with Vispa you become one step closer to achieving your final goal in attracting new customers.

Vispa Theme for Marketing Agency

Show your potentials clients that Marketing is in your blood by showcasing your skills on the carefully crafted parts of your marketing agency WordPress theme. From the “first impression” of the Main page and the detailed Case Studies in the Portfolio, to the “who do I call” on the Pricing page, Vispa allows you to create the perfect funnel for new sales.

Vispa Theme for Digital Agency

The Internet has become the bloodline of modern sales, and who would know it better than your Digital agency. Standing among the best business WordPress themes, Vispa allows you to put that to display by creating a stylish and informative website that will meet your needs. Running a digital agency is hard enough, let the website creation part be simple and intuitive.


Be that cooking, consulting, or development, Vispa offers you a simple business theme with a vast range of fully customizable Sidebars and Widgets. Craft your very own personal page or build the perfect WordPress business blog for your company without having to address a programmer or designer. We’ve already done that for you.


Showcasing your work may be the sole reason of your website, and we get that. That’s why Vispa offers a customizable Portfolio page with an impressive collection of Sliders that will become your unique selling point. Or you want a simple WordPress theme for your IT company to display the projects you’ve completed – we’ve got you covered, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

Landing Page

Nothing sells better than a good website. That’s why Vispa features the option of creating beautiful and fully responsive Landing Pages in the blink of an eye. Show your client the product of their dreams or promote a new service launched by your company, and make it look and feel incredible.

Features Description:


Vispa is a fully responsive WordPress theme for business websites with customizable elements that look awesome on any device, from mobile to desktop retina. With the intuitive and simple implementation, create your responsive corporate website in a matter of minutes.


A website is only as good as are the languages it supports. Create multilingual websites in just several clicks with the WPML plugin at your fingertips or use the .pot files for custom translations and adaptations.

SEO Optimized

Allow your customers to find your website straight from the search engine with the built-in SEO optimization. Set specific keywords and tags to each of your pages and create an ideal website.

Custom Sidebars

Allow your visitors to easily navigate through your website by creating Custom Sidebars. Use shortcodes to complete the above-and-beyond experience for your future customers and exceed their expectations.

Custom Widgets

We are here to make your life easier, and help achieve that “wow” effect. That’s why we included numerous Widgets that are easily managed via drag and drop, and will add an intuitive and easy way of navigation on your website.


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