Discussion on Eldar - Elegant Retina Restaurant & Cafe Template

Discussion on Eldar - Elegant Retina Restaurant & Cafe Template

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26 comments found.

Great work..easy customizable..and TERRIFIC SUPPORT..HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

I have purchased this template and I love it..easily customizable BUT I cannot get the email script to work…I have many php mail scripts running on my server..but this one doesn’t work. I sent you 3 emails please help me so my client can use his new site..THANKS much appreciated!


I have answered your email. Please check. Please understand that if you send me emails on weekend days, i will not be able to answer on Saturday or Sunday. Usually i answer asap but sometimes it may takes a few days, depends of email queue. I’m waiting for your respond on mail.

Best Regards.

Thank you sir..sorry I didn’t realize the weekend..you got back to me VERY quickly and helped with everything to get it working perfectly. VERY much appreciated

Hello, new version of Eldar is available now. If you will have any technical or customisation question please feel free to contact me via my support service on http://chaykovskiy.ticksy.com Thank you!

Hello, User was quick to respond on first email. Now just waiting on user to get back with me on updates. Great Product, definitely recommend!

Hi, I just sent you an email about a problem I am having. Hope we can work it out soon. Love the design!


looks like we solved all problems. Thank you for contact.

Best Regards.

I would like to remove the ‘black area with red text’ and replace with a bar that will be always at the top of the mobile phone.

Hello, yes it possible, if you will need some help, please contact me via my user contact page.

Hi, We are using the Restaurant theme, which is working really well for us except for the menu. When we see the site on our mobile phones, we get a list box, but this is not what we want, we would rather have a smaller version of our menu. We are ready (and able) to change css, php, etc, to shrink the existing menu, can you let us know the easiest way to do this? Thank you in advance, Pete


If you buy Eldar theme, i’ll do it for free special for you. Just contact with me via my user page contact form.


Hello, I just bought the template html Eldar, beautiful … but I can not make it work sending emails. Can you help me? Thank you in advance!

Hello, Thanks for purchase and message. Please check your host, is it ready for php/ajax scripts. Thank you. Best Regards, Chaykovskiy

Very happy with this template! Easy to work with, very clean, and awesome support! Thanks again.

Are there any WP version in the pipeline?

Hello are you working on a Integration of a calendar? or how should People using your Theme publish Events?

Hello, yes we are working on it. On Eldar template you can publish all your news and events in slider. If you need special event script immediately, i can offer you creating an freelance equipment on chaykovskiythemes@gmail.com if you send us some information of your needed we create a special offer for you and you will have you customizations in few days!

Best Regards


Thanks for your message and purchase. Yes, exactly like in your link, but don’t forget for values – <iframe width=”100%” scrolling=”no” height=”580” frameborder=”0”

Best regards

Hello, what is the easiest way to update the google maps location?

Hello, I purchased your great theme and all is working great when I’m working on local; once exported on internet it’s totally wrong… You can check it on www.benga-nv.com/N-Max Even your dark version as is gives me the same… www.benga-nv.com/N-Max_drk Could you find out what’s wrong? I can’t… :)

Kind regards

Hello, Thanks for message. Looks like something wrong with your host. In www.benga-nv.com/N-Max_drk – not an original code of Eldar theme, i think it have been changed by host. May be your host have some advance SSI controls. In html i see “[an error occurred while processing this directive]” – time to time it means that value is a path relative to the directory containing the current document being parsed. It cannot contain ../
You can also try to delete all html comments – on different hostings it can be helpfull.
Best Regards

No i purchased the template. The Author need some time to answer questions but he helped me several times to implement wishes. Now i’m looking for a way to give the restaurant team a way to offer customers infos about special events like brunch, party, etc. One idea is to integrate twitter. http://1.s3.envato.com/files/49201534/index.html could be the solution. Another idea is to integrate a calendar.http://www.dpereyra.com/scripts/dp_calendar. Maybe someone can give a tip which is the easiest way to do.

Maybe it’s a good feature request?

Nice theme and good work at all.


Many thanks for comments and propose. I think your examples of calendar and twitter will be very useful at Eldar template. In new versions of Eldar i will try to realize your all requests and i will need about one-two week for create it. I will also try to faster respond on comments, thanks for waiting.

Best Regards

Hello thinking about Tour Buy it. Can you make the prettyphoto Gallery more exciting. Can you add this easyly? http://webdesignandsuch.com/create-overlay-on-image-hover-jquery-css3/ Can you add Tabs and accordion elemtents? Like your Design of ColorSync and harmony but missed Somerset effects so i im still unsure if the Template fits my Wisches. But Great work at all!


I am trying to upload my zipped theme file and it keeps saying that it failed because it does not have a style.css which it clearly does!


Thanks for your message. If you try to upload Eldat HTML theme to your server, you should unzip all files.

Best Regards.

Hello guys Is this template supposed to re-adjust on Ipad when its displayed as portrait? Seems to go all over the place! Have you got an email so i can send you my link?

Hello, thank you for your message. On Ipad everything should works OK. Please email me via my user page contact form. Thanks so much!

Excited about working with this theme. Exactly what I was looking for!

Chaykovskiy, If I give you description of customization needed, could you give me a price to do the work? It’s not a lot, but a few things i need to modify.

Thanks Chris

Hellow Chris. Thank you for your message. Send me please via my user page coctact form your descriptions of customazitions needed.


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